Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle: What’s Hot for 2012 to 2013

During the Information strategy course we talked about  many new emerging technologies. But what are the real chances for these technologies to be adopted into the mainstream?  Every year Garnet publishes the emerging technologies hype cycle. It’s a report of emerging technologies and the stages of their impact in the marketplace. It gives IT enthusiasts a heads up when it comes to these hot emerging technologies.

The Hype Cycle graphic has been used by Gartner since 1995 to highlight the common pattern of over enthusiasm, disillusionment and eventual realism that accompanies each new technology and innovation. It tells us what the next big things are in technology and which of them actually matter for organizations.

Trends that are examined for 2012 are:

  • Big data
  • Internet of things
  • Mobile robots
  • Printing and scanning
  • Image recognition
  • Natural language

If you want to get ahead of the hype and take a look at the most important topics in this year’s Hype Cycle special report follow this link

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