The ultimate form of Customer Relationship Management, The Salesforce IoT Cloud

Last Tuesday Salesforce announced the launch of its IoT (Internet of Things) cloud. Salesforce is a company that offers customer relationship management (CRM) solutions to other firms, to get an insight in their leads, contacts and activities to ultimately raise their revenues. (, 2015)

With the new IoT cloud Salesforce offers, companies can make use of the Internet of Things and the data produced by clients, partners and all electronic devices and sensors. The IoT cloud will allow them to process an enormous amount of data and make use of that to proactively respond on customers demand. (, 2015)

The cloud connects all devices, sensors, websites and other forms of interactions with Salesforce to create an overview of the clients of a firm, and give them a good indication of the customers needs. With simple and intuitive tools, business users can process the data offered to filter the important events and proactively respond to them.  Ultimately Salesforce IoT will allow its users to improve the customers experience. (, 2015)

The IoT cloud makes use of Salesfoce’s Thunder, which is world’s most scalable event process engine, designed to connect billions of events and process them real-time. Thunder allows companies to gets insights in aspects of their business, that were invisible before. All of this will create opportunities to further improve the customer experience. (, 2015)

With the new cloud, Salesforce is turning the internet of things into the internet of customers, CEO Marc Benioff said during a conference in San Francisco.  Big Data is providing a big opportunity for companies these days, the Salesforce IoT cloud will help these companies to explore these opportunities and respond to them. (, 2015)

I believe the Salesforce IoT cloud is a great example of how a company can make use of big data to improve their business. However, a lot of companies are still sceptical about the use of “big data” and “cloud computing”, not seeing it as an addition or even pillar of their strategy.  Which is a waste, because it allows you to get to know your own customers so much more in-depth, that makes be believe it creates chances for all companies in all sorts of industries.

Author: Jessica Dooper (358278jd)

Sources: [Accessed 19 Sep. 2015]. [Accessed 19 Sep. 2015]. [Accessed 19 Sep. 2015].


One response to “The ultimate form of Customer Relationship Management, The Salesforce IoT Cloud”

  1. lisbethhm says :

    Interesting blog post! I just wrote a piece on Internet of Things my self, so its interesting to read examples of companies actually implementing it right now. Based on Cisco’s prediction for the coming years, I think you are totally right in that companies need to make use of Big data and incorporate it in their strategy. By utilizing the information that is already there, they can improve both revenue streams and customer experience. By not catching the wave of big data and IoT I find it likely that many companies will struggle in the future, being surpassed by up-and-coming companies that has adapted to the new technology.

    Great post! 🙂

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