The Student Hotel Rotterdam

In September 2012 the Student Hotel Rotterdam was opened at the Oostzeedijk. The concept had already gained a lot of attention with the hotel chain operating Student Hotels in Liège and Amsterdam. The Student Hotel offers fully furnished rooms for (international) students, but also young professionals, interns and the occasional parents visiting. Guests can book a single night or stay longer, even up to 10 months. A month’s stay costs around 650 Euros. The Student Hotel in 2012 had a total of 250 rooms. Each room offers a bed, desk, cable-TV, WiFi en a bathroom. Kitchens are shared with 8 other guests. Suites offer a private kitchen, larger bathroom and bed against a premium. Directly from the opening, all rooms were fully booked until end 2013. In the beginning of 2014 it was announced that the Student Hotel was planning an expansion, scheduled to be ready at the start of the academic year 2014-2015. After the reopening in August this year, the Student Hotel now has 484 rooms.


Clearly the Student Hotel has positioned itself well, which explains the 100% occupancy rate over 2013. The hotel has guests from 60+ countries, from Iraq to Australia or New Zealand. Student guests express that they felt that staying in the Student Hotel was the perfect kick-off for their period in Rotterdam. Lino Schaus from Switzerland: “The Student Hotel has excellent facilities and moreover a great location. Booking a room is very easily done via the Internet. I really enjoyed the international community within the hotel. I got into contact with many international students.

Indeed it seems like a smart business concept targeting international students in need for a room in Rotterdam. However from Kamernet can be found that in 2013 the average price for student accommodation in Rotterdam was 450 Euros per month, versus 540 Euros per month in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam it is quite difficult for students to find accommodation. Yet in Rotterdam it does not prove to be that difficult. It is thus highly interesting that international students are prepared to pay rent well in excess of the average price for a room in Rotterdam. What is that makes the Student Hotel so special?



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